Blueprint of Koemon ShindenThis is a blueprint passed down within the Hibiya Family (日比谷家). The blueprint shows the area known as Koemon Shinden (小右衛門新田) area...
Nōgaku Makie Soup Bowls in Black Japanese LacquerThese are soup bowls which have been passed down within the Hibiya Family (日比谷家). Inside the wooden box used to store these bowls has the...
Hokushin Ittō-ryū Swordsmanship OathThis is a scroll which has been passed down within the Hibiya Family (日比谷家). The second photograph shows the preface of the oath, which...
Cursive Calligraphy “Enka, Shutsubotsu, Un’u, Meiri” (Mist, Haunting, Clouds and Rain, Adrift)By Akizuki Tanetatsu Four Ink calligraphies 14th year of the Meiji era (1881) Akizuki Tanetatsu (秋月種樹) (1833–1904) was the last heir to...
Kokin Bina (Traditional Hina dolls)7th year of the Ansei era (1860) Hibiya Kenjirō (日比谷健次郎) (1836–1886) possibly ordered these Kokin Bina (古今雛) dolls for Shin, his elder...